https://doi.org/10.47163/agrociencia.v57i7.2569Palabras clave:
insecticide resistance, chemical control, resistance management.Resumen
In Mexico, some monocultures occupy large areas, and organo-synthetic insecticides are the dominant method of pest control. The conventional chemical strategy is heavily reliant on new insecticides being developed in other countries. This paper discusses the characteristics of traditional/conventional and rational insecticide management. In traditional management, companies compete to position their products in the market once authorized. When pests develop resistance, the farmer must increase the dose and frequency of applications. These actions seriously threaten the environment, human health, and crop profitability. The hope is that another insecticide will enter the market to repeat the cycle of abuse and its consequences. The alternative is a rational strategy based on scientific evidence for chemical pest control. Farmers must adhere to an insecticide resistance management program that keeps resistance gene expression and intensity at acceptable levels. We propose the creation of public and private laboratories to systematically estimate the dynamics of insecticide resistance through bioassays. This will enable decisions to be made based on scientific rather than commercial information. Changing the current paradigm for the use of these agrochemicals will result in significant improvements in the time it takes to maintain acceptable biological efficacy, economic benefits to the producer, and significant reductions in adverse effects on human health and the environment.
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Agrociencia es una publicación sesquimensual en formato totalmente en inglés, y editada por el Colegio de Postgraduados. Carretera México-Texcoco Km. 36.5, Montecillo, Texcoco, Estado de México, CP 56264, Teléfono (52) 5959284427. www.colpos.mx. Editor en Jefe de Agrociencia: Dr. Fernando Carlos Gómez Merino. Reservas de Derechos al Uso Exclusivo: 04-2021-031913431800-203, e-ISSN: 2521-9766, otorgados por el Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor.